Saturday 21 October 2017


A word or phrase that is the name of something (as a person, place, or thing) and that is used in a sentence especially as subject or object of a verb or as object of a preposition
There are many classifications of nouns and most of these classifications are based on the usage of the nouns. Two major classes of nouns are:
Collective nounsThese nouns are those which are used to identify a group of nouns as one entity. Some examples of collective nouns are:
A crew of sailors.
A group of dancers.
A class of students.
A herd of sheep.
A haul of fish.
A flock of birds.
Such examples can be seen in abundant quantity and these nouns have made it easier to identify the nouns as one.
Possessive nounThese are those nouns which are used to show possession. They signify ownership, and are used to show that a commodity belongs to something or someone.
Few examples of possessive noun are:
Wordsworth’s works.
Robin’s cat.
Students’ report cards.
All of the above sentences signify ownership and show that the objects defined belong to some specific persons.
Other than this classification, nouns have another classification which is based on its usage. According to this classification, the noun is of the following types:
– Proper Nouns: Proper nouns are those nouns which signify the name of a specific place, thing or a person. These names can be the names of communities, places, religions, organizations, days, months and so on.These are always used with a capital letter at the start as they’re required to be shown distinct from other nouns. For example:
The Bible is the holy book of the Christians.
I am going to New Delhi tomorrow.
Shahrukh Khan is a wonderful actor.
In these examples, the words marked in bold indicate some specific person, place, religion or a book and thus, these nouns are known as proper nouns.
– Abstract Nouns: These are those nouns which are used to express thoughts and to signify things which cannot be perceived through the five senses of humans. The following examples will help you understand these nouns better:
He was delighted to see his son win the award.
The bravery of the young girl won her the civilian bravery award.
She was bound by the shackles of debt.
In the given examples, the word delighted is used to signify a state of mind, bravery is the motivation behind the actions and bound refers to a state of being.
– Common Nouns: This category of the noun is the one which refers to common things. In simple words, these nouns denote a generalized niche of places, people or objects. For example:
The girls were at the party.
New neighbors have arrived.
There is a phone ringing.
In all these examples, the bold words indicate a common group and thus, these words come under the category of common nouns.
Apart from these, there are two more categories, namely countable and uncountable nouns which take into account those words, which are countable and uncountable respectively.

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